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Английский язык

Дата: 5 августа 2020 в 12:35

Тема: Appearance

Практическая цель: восприятие и первичное осознание учащимися нового учебного материала, осмысливание связей и отношений в объектах изучения.

Образовательная цель: формировать речевые навыки на базе видеоматериала, понимание иноязычой речи на слух, навыки чтения.

Развивающая цель: способствовать развитию мышления, воображения, памяти.

Воспитательная цель: способствовать воспитанию уважительного отношения к любой внешности человека.

Тип урока: формирования новых ЗУН.

Оснащение: учебник English 7, видеоматериал, записи на доске, наглядный материал.

Ход урока

I. Организационно-мотивационный этап

1) Приветствие

- Hello! Sit down, please.

2)Постановка целей и задач

- Today we'll learn some new words, listen to the recording, watch the video, answer some questions and do some exercises.

II. Операционно-деятельностный этап

1) Речевая зарядка

- Ex.1  P.4 Look at the pictures. Do these teenagers look good? What makes them good-looking?

2) Введение и закрепление нового лексического материала

- Look at the pictures and listen to me (curly, fair, fat, fit, freckles, friendly, good-looking, pale, skin, straight, sun-tanned, to look, to look like).

- Try to translate according to the pictures, read all together, one by one.

- Ex.2  P.4 Listen to some people talking about the photos. Are their descriptions positive or negative?

-Ex.3a  P.5 Find opposite expressions in the columns below.

-Ex.3b  P.5 Which of the expressions in Ex.3a describe the boy? Which ones describe the girl?

-Ex.4a  P.5 Listen to the conversation again. Use the phrases in the box to complete the sentences.

-Ex.4b  P.5 Look at the sentences again. What parts of speech follow each of these constructions?

-Ex.4c  P.6 Look at the words and phrases in the box. Which words can complete sentence A? Which words can complete sentence B?

-Ex.5a  P.6 Complete the sentences below to describe yourself. Use Ex.3a and 4c for help. Write the description on a piece of paper.

-Ex.5b  P.6 Hand in your descriptions to the teacher. Read someone's description. Can you guess who wrote it?

3) Работа с видеоматериалом

а) предпросмотровой этап

- Now we'll watch video about appearance. Watch and listen very attentively because then you will answer some questions.

б) просмотровой этап

- Please, watch and make notes.

- Answer the questions:

What this video is about?

Describe heroes have you seen in video.

Who do you like most of all? Who don't? Why?

-Let's watch the video again and write down the words about appearance you will hear.

4) Этап применения (послепросмотровой этап)

- Let's revise the words we have learnt today. Look at the pictures, name and translate.

- Choose one of your classmates and describe his/her appearance.

- Ex.6a  P.6 Work in groups. Look at your classmate and discuss how they have changed after the 6th form. Report to the class.

III. Оценочно-рефлексивный этап

1) Домашние задание

- Написать 8 предложений об изменениях друга во внешности.

2) Выставление отметок

- Your marks are...

-Did you like our lesson? Why?

- The lesson is over! Good bye!

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